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We’re up all night to get lucky

June 10, 2013

Here are some of the looks from the week I spent in Florida. I better crack on with posting the photos of the trip… I have so many! It’ll be hard to pick a few for the blog. It was an amazing week, with equal parts of relaxation and excitement and of course, spending time with the hubby.

Details: Flying Eiffel Towers – Reko, thrifted at Oxfam, Gold Sandals – Topshop, thrifted on my trip to Sheffield, Flower – H&M (on sale), Golden Bracelets – present from Mr D’s grandma.

Details: Red Lobster Dress – Rodnik Band, via Ebay (some funny guy asked if Î was from Maine, badummm tschhhhhhh), Tote Bag – from a Design Festival hubby attended in Melbourne, Sandals – Present from Mr D’s grandma, Flower – H&M (on sale)

As I was planning, we did a couple of road trips  (we ended up going to Disneyland, yay!), picked up the new album from Daft Punk, and it became the soundtrack for the week. I loved the songs, they have a very amusing and “feel good” retro feeling. It might not be for all tastes and a lot of people were disappointed as their sound on this record is totally different from their previous more electronica sounding albums. For my part, as I’ve always had a weak spot for disco, I appreciated the grooves on this record. The Get Lucky song just makes me want to dance! These dudes do it the right way:

As it is Monday I am adding this to Patty’s Visible Monday over at Not Dead Yet Style.